How Does Social Media Warp Our Reality?
Social media just like guns is a tool that can be used for good and evil purposes. A lot of people are eager to blame the tools that are neutral in nature instead of how these tools are being used.
As you guys know, I’m a former student of Communications, Mass Media and Psychology and due to that fact you might suspect that I adore social media because usually people who choose to study Marketing and Communications tend to love the power of manipulating others into buying and behaving a certain way. We study consumer behavior, we analyze consumer behavior, we come up with creative ways to convince you to buy things. But to be honest with you guys, I suck at sales. I’m not a good sales person. I can’t even sell my fitness courses/classes because I hate manipulating people. I can’t tell people: “if you don’t buy my course you will lose so much or if you don’t buy it today this course will disappear or if you don’t buy it now you will have to pay full price for it.” We talked about these tactics the advertisers use in our longer seminar with Melody, Eamma and Sam. You can check it out on my YouTube Channel.
I love educating people and helping people solve their problems. I love talking and learning from people. I’m always reading and learning something. I love the knowledge exchange that happens between people and I sincerely want to help people make the best rational decisions they can make in their lives. So, yeah, I’m aware of the tactics that a lot of content creators and media use against people and through our conversations I’m trying to uncover these deceiving tactics to you because I believe that if people told the truth to each other, our world would be a better place and we and our children would not suffer from the outcomes of the Cluster B society.
I’ve seen a lot of people criticizing social media without realizing that these same people constitute part of the equation because even though they dislike social media they still use it for business or for their personal brands or this is how they stay in touch with other people. So, it’s a little hypocritical to criticize something when you still use it, don’t you think? They still consume content one way or the other. Even if they don’t engage with social media directly, they still consume content through their friends who are active on social media and who will tell them what happens there. People also engage with social media by not supporting good rational content, they indirectly suppress good factual information because the people who embrace and spread delusional content by large outnumber rational consumers and those who don’t engage with social media at all. People tend to blame the tool instead of the tool’s users. The problem is that most content creators on social media are toxic and delusional narcissists, sometimes even with sociopathic tendencies. They are more interested in clout chasing and useless destructive blood sport rather than offering solutions to solve real problems.
They are grifting, selling the most popular narratives. For the last few generations the most popular narratives have been: “your emotions are so cool, they matter; your experiences matter; feels before feels/reals; if somebody/something doesn’t make you happy, leave it, do something that brings you joy and happiness; follow your heart, pursue your dreams at all costs; you only live once, so make sure you get 100% out of life, you reach all your dreams; be happy, you deserve to be happy; self-love and self-respect matter; set boundaries and expectations (ditch him the moment he no longer serves you); if he doesn’t make you happy, leave him; you deserve love, appreciation, good things; you are worthy of love, respect, appreciation and happiness; embrace yourself the perfect way you are, embrace your body, love yourself, love your body; you can do no wrong; no matter what you do, it’s going to be great; you are special and unique”, etc. Sounds familiar, right? All of this crap is tailored towards women and weak simpy men who operate under their feelings and emotions because when men operate under their emotions, they become very easily manipulated because unlike women, in the feminist mind, men will always lack “emotional intelligence”. By the way, “emotional intelligence”, the way that feminists understand it is also misleading and very unhealthy : “if you lack emotions, if you are not emotionally available and/or vulnerable enough something is wrong with you.” You need to improve your EQ, you need to emote more - this is what they keep saying to both men and women. While for women this state is not so foreign, for men on the other had, it’s very destabilizing. It forces men to give up their rational thinking process and masculine frame, men start operating under female frame - emotionalism, where women will always preside. The fact remains that women will always disrespect Simps who give up their masculine frame and a dominant masculine presence to operate like defective women under female point of reference.
All of the messages above can be packaged and marketed differently, words slightly changed, but they essentially send out a false illusion that everything about you (woman) is perfect and everything about a man is wrong and needs more work. So, you can see how unequal feminism really is and how in practice it only favors women when it comes to feelings, emotions, performance and achievements despite its publicly announced efforts to spread “equality”. Notice how being a woman is more ideal than being anything else and in the eyes of the feminists, men should keep trying to be the pure ideal - a woman. This drive to be more like a woman explains why there are so many trannies. Who knows what are the true reasons for trannies to become women: could be socio-political privileges women get, could be pursuit of the ideological purity… Whatever the reasons for transgenderism are these mentally broken men are defective women who desperately try to be like women. Simps are also defective women, of course to a lesser degree than trannies, but they still try to think and behave like women. Simps fail the masculinity test and unless they figure it out, they will never be respected by women.
If you happen to know any study or a research paper on whether trannies were first abused and disrespected Simps and then they transitioned to a higher degree of being more like women, please let me know in the comments. I’d like to dig into this topic deeper. I’d like to understand why they do it. We can call them broken, but something tells me that there is more to it than just mental issues, some external factors could be driving it. And there are way too many broken people in our society, don’t you think? It’s impossible that all of them are in fact mentally broken. What do you think? I suspect there might be other underlying factors that can contribute to their decision of changing their biological gender.
Of course, there are a number of feminist men who enjoy the promiscuity of women and they, together with hoes, will view fighting feminism as a useless activity. “Why not to enjoy the decline instead and benefit from “free” pussy? Since we can’t put technologies and hormonal birth control back in the box, we might as well enjoy the benefits of them, right?” Except for how “free” is that pussy? It’s only “free” and available for the top 10% of the world male population, only for those men who can afford it, it’s not for most hard working blue collar men who maintain our infrastructure because women who want free sex as well don’t want to settle down with good hard working men, they pursue their dreams and new exciting experiences and when they whore around they usually don’t want to sleep with most men outside of their perceptual league (SMV), which leaves most men without access to any sex. So, online hustlers sell advancing courses to men that promise to connect men with desirable hoes and maybe convert these men into the top 10% of the world male population too. How cute and how naive. What’s the statistical sample of men singing up for these courses and becoming the top 10% of men that promiscuous women want? How does this help men and women to be “better together than apart” ? Or is it only for fucking and one-night stands? As you can see, degenerates spread more fucking and promiscuity because apparently we are lacking so much of it. ;-P There is already so much free Porn, so many porn stars and Only Fans girls. Every other woman on Instagram is already a hoe, but apparently it’s not enough… All women must be hoes, right?
In regards to converting men into the top 10% that “all women want”, if everyone is special and unique, nobody is special and unique. Ok, let’s say a man gets hooked up with an expensive hoe, then what? She is still a hoe, she will always be a hoe, she will not be loyal to him unless he completely buys her out along with her promiscuous girlfriends, which leads to polygyny. Maybe this works for those men who only want to fuck and enjoy the decline and the promiscuity of women, but this hookup culture and over sexuality demoralize our society on a broader scale, they lead to chaos, degradation and destruction. These top men don’t think about the upcoming generations either. They are too much in the moment enjoying their freedoms and what pussy(s) their money can buy. I personally don’t have a problem with these men if they do it privately, it’s their life and they can do whatever they want to do with their resources as long as they don’t normalize this degenerate behavior of men and women in our society. When they promote promiscuity publicly I can’t not think of the consequences for younger people (Millennials, Zoomers and Generation Alpha) who will have to live with this mess that these men (Boomers and Gen X) create for our society when they know better. I can’t help but thinking about the future we and our children will have to live in.
Their self-focused actions promote delusion. Through all big shows that host hoes, women attending these show know exactly what they are getting afterwards,- more clout and money. A few hours of humiliation or a nice chat with a few big content creators will keep providing them with the promiscuous *horeish lifestyle they want through the followers they get after attending these shows. These women don’t have to change their behavior because they already get what they want and even more. They don’t value a family lifestyle, they don’t want to settle down with one man, instead they get paid to fuck/flirt/talk multiple men and enjoy their freedom. These kinds of women get picked for big shows to take some kind of revenge or mockery at their expense, but this revenge/mockery that abused by gynocentrism men are looking for, still works in hoes’ favor. The real change does not happen. The real problem does not get solved. Women view these shows as a business expense. They have no problem showing up there and sometimes putting some crocodile crying on camera when they know that the next day their clout will skyrocket.
Even if a woman is objectively a 3 or a 4, she sees other women on social media and on well-known shows surrounded by macho men, she believes she deserves a man who is a popular TV persona, a 9 or a 10. It’s seductive for both sides: content creators and hoes. If this 304 fatty has an impressive clout she gets invited to the big shows and as a result she gets even more clout. And God forbid a guy who is a 9 or a 10 flirts or sleeps with her once, she will immediately expect to date only “high caliber men” like that guy who flirted/fucked her. She will disregard men within her objective SMV.
Notice, this also feeds into how feminist relationship gurus sell their bullshit courses to women: first they and everybody else convince women that women deserve the best of the best, then they say that if you want this “high caliber man”, sign up for the course, come to their shows, etc. They can phrase it differently, but the concept remains the same. What happens in the nations where only a few men get all women? Usually these societies don’t end well because there is no prize for most men to do better, men are just slaves, there is more crime and civil unrest. These top men are not better than hoes who spread their legs for money because it takes two parties to tango and create chaos and destruction. Both parties equally contribute to the damage and delusion in our society, particularly in women.
In the case of social media, consumers of the content create the demand for the content they consume and content creators unquestionably just feed the algorithm by producing content that people want to see/hear. In other words, if you consume delusional emotionally driven content you will be creating more demand for such content and you will be disseminating this delusional content to your friends, family members and people you associate with.
This is why it’s SO crucial for your wellbeing and for the wellbeing of others to challenge your belief system and the messages around you so that you don’t only look for the confirmation bias, meaning that you don’t consume the content that sounds nice and resonates with your belief system. It implies that you challenge your beliefs, your messages and other people’s messages. It means that you should be constantly working on your critical thinking skills.
You cannot believe everything you see or hear on social media because grifty content creators will use it against you. They will feed you more of what you ask for. If you are looking for the group to confirm your beliefs, you will find a lot of this type of content on social media, i.e. #metoo and #bodypositivity movements. The Social Media algorithm is a neutral thing, it’s a computer program that pushes certain content forward that is on demand and slows down the content that you don’t consume. So, you, as a consumer and the user of social media determine what kind of content is floating around and as a result you with your choices are accountable for the state of our society. If we have a broken society, it’s the outcome of our choices we make in life not only on the individual level, but also (collectively) socially: what content and content creators we choose to support.
So, as you can see, if most people around you consume emotional bullshit and hoes, this bullshit and hoes will be promoted to others. If you start consuming the content that challenges you, that educates you and brings awareness to you, that may not sound nice and as pleasing as the grifty content, you will dilute the delusional content with better content and as a result, the algorithm will pick it up and it will start promoting a different kind of content to you and to your friends. And this different content might inspire you and your friends to learn more about certain topics, do better, it might help you face the truth about yourself and the world around you. This kind of content might actually help you and people around you solve problems and lead to better healthier society as a result. Don’t be an egoist, think about other people.
One lady who is a delusional spirituality “Self-Love” guru recently reported me for calling out her bullshit that she shared publicly. She blocked me, so I can no longer see and mock at her delusional content. This is actually unhealthy because if people immediately defer to blocking and reporting the content that challenges them in any way, they are avoiding their own accountability and responsibility for what they shared publicly and they are also removing their ability to learn and improve as human beings. They are blocking the information exchange and this can eventually lead to serious censorship that some communist countries experience. By blocking my content she tells to the algorithm that she is not interested in the content that can emotionally trigger her because she doesn’t want to be hurt in any way and she also prevents my content to reach her friends and viewers. There is no improvement without pain and this is something people with all the feminist bullshit and political agenda of defending the special classes have forgotten about. With all that Emotional Intelligence people are not being taught how to deal with constructive criticism and regulate their emotions.
Chances are this lady guru will be surrounded by more delusional content because this is what she demands and the algorithm will deliver it to her. There is no healthy controversy there, no discussion or debate that would inspire some rational thought. Because she does not want to be mentally challenged by anyone she will degrade as a woman and as a human being. She doesn’t want to think, she wants to emote and feel self-loved. So, this is the narrative that she is pushing to others and there is a ton of content like that.
When nobody can call out the bullshit that people spread online, our world becomes a very toxic, delusional and unhealthy place. Our children will have to suffer the consequences of their parents delving into emotionalism. You can imagine the outcomes that our sons will have in the future. Self-love, the way that feminists interpret it, leads to more chaos and destruction over time. When you are only concerned about your thoughts, feelings and emotions, you become blindsided by positive vibes and you ignore objective facts around you. It’s a form of escapism and avoiding reality. Even though she considers herself not a feminist, the fact that she is pro-feminist bullshit and does not want to challenge herself mentally speaks otherwise. Guys, if you take actions based on your emotions and feelings that deceive you, you will make bad unthoughtful irrational decisions in your life that will lead you to bad outcomes. And these outcomes will impact the lives of your children.
With all her “high vibrations” and “self-love” indulgence, she will ruin the lives of her sons. These poor boys have no say in anything she does or shares on Instagram because this is how she chose to support her single parent family. Instead of being married and submit to her husband who financially takes care of her and their kids, she chose to be strong and independent and sell bullshit to other people. I’m pretty sure she probably also gets alimony and child support from her ex-husband but she finds more value in spreading bullshit on the Internet than actually caring for her children. As a result of her actions her sons will be Simps - “spineless, clueless, subservient imbeciles” who will do anything to defend her honor and then later on the honor of promiscuous feminist harlots. When I told her that and after I invited her to our show about social media where she could tell us more about why she is selling “self-love” to others she blocked me.
Only when people can hold themselves and other people accountable for their actions, we can see some progress. For the past few generations we’ve been experiencing a decline, the “fall of mankind”. This doesn’t only apply to women. It applies to men because weak simpy men allowed women to rule and jeopardize the wellbeing of our society.
Women being online fempreneurs and spirituality gurus like this girl are very solipsistic, they are hyper focused on emotionalism while they are also trying to play the “strong and independent” card. And when people start placing higher standards and expectations on these women, like on men, because these women behave like men, women default to being victims because their feelings and emotions are hurt. This duplicity of women allows for a cognitive dissonance in women. If not called out, women will keep doing it and they will keep getting away with it. Feminism has sold the idea that women can be anything they want to be when in reality it’s NOT true! Women cannot have a cake and eat it too if they want to be any good at what they do.
Ladies, you are not a super hero, you cannot do everything at once. You have to choose what you want to do in life and you’d better be happy with the choice you make, meaning that once you vote and take a decision, you can’t take it back, you may change your mind, but you can’t undo what you did because the time and your actions are irreversible. By the way, ignorance is also an action. All of our actions have consequences. You cannot undo the consequences for your own stupid choices. Life is a voting machine, then it’s a weighing machine. You can be strong and independent, make your own money, sleep around and be a corporate/administrative hoe or you can take a more traditional path: get married and be taken care of by your husband. There is another direction you could probably consider - DINKS - dual income no kids. In my opinion, it’s more of a partnership than a well-balanced relationship because it seems like both partners have more or less equal authority in this case, but we all know what happens when it’s 50%-50% split. Who cleans the house when both of you are working full time jobs? Oh, let me guess, a man does 100% of his duties plus 50% of your duties and a man still pays for all of his and your living expenses. Your money is your money and his money is your money too. Considering the state of our society today and how expensive housing and having kids actually is, this trend sadly makes sense to a lot of young couples. Whether it’s healthy or not in terms of the intersexual dynamics is a separate question.
Back to that self-loving guru. If she really wanted to excel in spirituality, and if she genuinely was concerned about helping others and not herself (her feelings, emotions and money), if she was for true wellbeing of others, she would start by challenging her own belief system because she cannot teach people how to be mentally stable and emotionally healthy if she is unstable and unhealthy herself. No, instead she is far more interested in getting more clout, attention for herself by selling to people what people want to hear. She is a grifter.
When I publicly said that “self-love” leads to more toxicity and narcissism in our society, it converts women into hoes, she responded to me that she strongly disagrees with me and she asked me: “How does that bother [me] if they become hoes and most importantly if she ain’t [me] then why should [I} care” so much? Well, by now you can probably figure out what I responded to her. ;-) I told her that she should care more about her kids, not how great feminist propaganda makes her feel. She didn’t connect the two dots. In her mind, she doesn’t think she is spreading feminist bullshit propaganda to others, in particular to (younger) women. She realizes feminism is bad but she doesn’t see or refuses to see how she with her actions and words contributes to more delusion and feminism in women. I told her that “self-love” is only one of the expressions of the feminist propaganda and if she doesn’t want her sons’ lives to be ruined by promiscuous feminist hoes, she should not support feminist bullshit messages from delusional content creators and she should not spread these messages herself because her engaging with this content will eventually destroy her sons’ lives. “Self-love” is the practice of pure narcissism, toxicity and delusion.
Her response was: “self-love” is what she does for living and then she added that “if [I] don’t appreciate [her] content” I should “stay away from [her] page because clearly [she] does not appreciate putting women down”. Here you go , ladies, another feminist guru is teaching you how to be a hoe. If you follow this woman’s advice, you will eventually end up being a single hoe and you will believe that Jesus is your boyfriend. ;-P
And notice how she took it personally. She does not care about her sons at all. I challenged her words and her actions and she immediately became defensive. She demands love and “appreciation” for what she is doing, which tells me that you cannot really have a rational conversation with her. And you are not surprised to hear that she is a single mother, are you? What will she teach her sons? We’ve already talked about single mothers and their ability to convert their sons into defective girls, so I guess we should expect to see more defective women with penises in the future, maybe even trannies, who knows. LOL
You will end up single if you listen to this lady’s advice because she is a single mother herself, she with her “high vibrations” only knows how to be single and how to teach you “self-love”. If you want self-love, then you technically don’t need anybody else, right? You need yourself because self-love should be enough. Forget about marriage. If you follow her, suck it up. You will adore yourselves but you will be totally unmarriageable. If that’s what you want to be, that’s fine, it’s your choice, but then you don’t get to whine and moan about how lonely you feel, how evil men are for not wifing you up and how horrible your life is. Or, actually let me take it back, if you are single, make sure you publicly mention that you listened to a delusional, toxic, narcissistic guru who taught you how to “love yourself”. ;-) Give her credit for your delusion. LOL
Share you devastating path with others and don’t buy into more bullshit. Maybe other women can learn from your mistakes. Do not be greedy, girly. Women are like blind sheep. They need guidance and direction. This is the reason why a dominant masculine presence is so important for women because a strong masculine rational man can do it for his woman. If you are a single woman you will be more prone to scammers and grifters like her because you don’t have a man to point out to you who these scammers and grifters are.
Ladies, we can teach you how to ask the right questions and how to be a critical thinker but you must want it yourself. You must want to learn to use your neocortex (rational) instead of relying on your amygdala (emotional) part of the brain and be open to some constructive criticism. Without correcting female behavior that this self-love guru calls “putting women down” there is NO improvement for women and our society. I’m pretty sure emotional self-love gurus like her will call me a negative and misogynistic B*tch because I have no trouble helping, warning and correcting younger women because I do care about the world we live in and I do care about our future. If you have some rational thought left in you and if you are not completely brainwashed or if you notice certain things that do not match with what you’ve been told your entire life, you are in a safe place. Join us! Join our discussions. They might hurt at the beginning, but they will help you if not to solve your immediate problem(s), but to understand why things happen the way they happen so that you can make more rational decisions in your life that will lead you to better outcomes.
Ladies, if you do not want your sons’ lives to be ruined, PLEASE stay away from delusional, narcissistic and entitled content. Challenge yourself, challenge what you hear especially if these message(s) make you feel good. I know that what I, Plutarch H., Eamma, Steve, Nick have to tell you does not sound nice and appealing because we challenge you, but at least you can be sure that we are NOT misleading you in any way. We are sharing the truth with you. Just PLEASE wake up before you wrack your life and the lives of your children based on easily accessible appealing and delusional information around you.
The true love is in correction and in telling the truth no matter how much it hurts. Devil’s “love” is about feelings, emotions and relying on your heart that deceives you into making bad irrational unthoughtful decisions in your life that have detrimental outcomes for everyone.
If you have questions, please reach out. If you’d like to show up on the show and share your story, we would love to have you. Just remember to treat all members of Elena’s Barre Community with respect because we have very interesting educational and respectful conversations. Please read and acknowledge EB community rules and guidelines before calling in. We reserve the right to kick you out for non-compliance with our rules. Thank you for your udnerstanding.
If you’d like us to elaborate on certain topics, let us know. :-)
I’m looking forward to seeing you next time.
Have a great weekend everyone,
With Love, Yours
I really enjoyed reading this.